Turmeric - the holistic miracle root for your well-being



Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is an herbaceous plant from the ginger family. Their area of ​​origin is in South Asia. Names such as curcumin, turmeric, turmeric, yellow ginger or saffron root are common. The perennial plant is about one meter tall and forms a strongly branched tuber root (rhizome). Turmeric looks very similar to ginger root, but it is a bit more delicate and impresses with its intense orange color.

Turmeric servers a variety of purposes, for example as a spice or for coloring, but also in alternative healing and it can contain up to five percent of essential oils.
In addition, there are around three percent curcumin, which has the strong orange color. It has a spicy, burning, slightly bitter taste and, in powder form, is an important component of curry. Turmeric use has been known in India for an estimated 4,000 years.
In the famous Indian healing method Ayurveda, it is one of the so-called hot spices, which is said to have a cleansing and stimulating effect.
For centuries, turmeric has been used to treat a variety of ailments, which is why it is often referred to as the miracle root. The curcumin in turmeric is particularly important as an active ingredient. India is now considered the world's largest producer of turmeric. Up to 80 percent of the entire harvest is consumed there. In Indian cuisine, curcumin is mostly known in its dried form. In Thailand, on the other hand, the fresh tuber is usually used grated.

Ideal combination: Turmeric with Piperin

Turmeric and piperine need each other and are often combined in capsule form as a dietary supplement. Piperine is the active ingredient in pepper and is also responsible for its pungent taste. This combination guarantees a high bioavailability, which turmeric cannot achieve in its purely natural state.
Bioavailability is the degree of effectiveness of a substance when it is ingested.
If this availability is to be high, the substance must hit the site of action as directly, quickly and unchanged as possible.
It is advisable when supplementing with curcumin that no separating agents or additives are used. These include, for example, magnesium salts, which significantly reduce the bioavailability. Our high-standard turmeric capsules with piperine are extremely digestible, suitable for vegetarians and vegans, free from gluten, lactose, fructose and artificial colors and flavors.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of health claims, it is legally forbidden for manufacturers and suppliers of turmeric products to inform and report about the many benefits of turmeric. We therefore advise you to find out how turmeric works for yourself.

We look forward to your comments and your input.

Be healthy and well,

Julia from InnoNature

Holistic Nutritionist

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